Isle of Man Candy

The BBC website's "Where I Live" has a good conversation about the perceptions people have about the Isle of Man. It covers technology, weather, sovereignty, famous residents and more. There are more than 30 comments..have a look!


We have more than 40,000 visitors to our island during the TT Festival and, I'm like, tons of you must be bloggers! Welcome to you all.  So I'm checking the blogosphere out to see how you like us so far. Here's what I found so far…

Here, a speed enthusiast shares his concern about some friends that were injured in a racing accident.  

Here, this doctor who claims to be an award winning writer shows us all his lazy brain…I remember my English teacher telling us that steretypes are a big no no.

This guy reams SuperChannel for dropping coverage of the TT.

For peeps that want to keep up on the day's racing you can check out this guys's updates.

Nature enthusiasts posted some nice pix here.

That's just a smattering fyi.  Hope you all have loverly time. Watch out for our ferocious Manx cats. And, Keep us posted!

et cetera